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Inner Council Workshop Testimonials

The below testimonials have been carefully selected from participants that have expressed something that may resonate with others looking for the benefits of the Inner Child workshop. If you wish to give feedback, you can do so through your personal portal or by clicking here.

Toni Lambert - USA - WORKSHOP - 2024

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I’ve done regression meditations previously, and have been taught how to guide my own regressions at the recognition of a trigger sensation.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

The understand more about inner child work with the hopes of being eventually able to offer it to others.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

I love that the framework of this practice is to build a relationship with your inner child and not just go in and edit memories. Yes, regression work has really helped me in massive ways for particular problems, but the process of building a relationship with my inner child and sustaining that relationship has affected drastically how I treat myself/ handle situations in every day life/ all settings.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

I didn’t know what to expect, but I loved that the process itself was very simple, tons of information, and realistically, the work was simple and easy. Which makes it feel sustainable. I loved the one-to-one workshop. Wayne has created a space where I feel safe to ask any and all the questions I have and he answers them openly and honestly or offers me the tool to answer them myself.


Do you have any professional background around therapeutic services?

I have a Mental Health life coaching background.

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I am a Mental Health Life Coach. I worked with the inner child before with my clients and found how incredible it is to incorporate your inner child with the life that you are now living.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I intend to keep connected to my inner child, giving her the space she needs.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

The workshop helped me in the idea of creating that space for my inner child to be in. It gave me lots of ways to connect to her and to know that I can visit her when I feel so.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

The workshop is a great place where you feel safe and yourself. Its a place where I reunited with my inner child, that part of me that was eager to connect.

Can you share a little about your mentoring experience?

I was lucky I spent time at my parents house while I was doing the mentoring experience. I connected deeply to my inner child and it enhanced my experience. The mentoring uncovered a lot about me and I discovered a lot about myself.

How does mentoring differ from the experiences you’ve had with other practices in the past?

It is a great way to observe yourself in situations and your reactions to them. It gave me a clear vision of my inner child in action.

What message could you give to others who are seeking support in their practices?

Its a great tool that you have. Allow yourself to get in touch with that part of you that needs your attention.

Steph Grainger - UK - WORKSHOP - 2024

Do you have any professional background around therapeutic services?

Yes I have been working with women since 2010 and a qualified hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. I have also competed my level 1 on EFT. Both EFT and NLP work closely with timelines and healing events that happened in your past and more often or not, early childhood

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

My own experience of inner child healing has been life changing, which has made me very passionate about working with my clients in this way.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

The intention was to get to know myself even better than before and connect deeper with my inner child.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

I loved my time with Amy. Because it was 1:1 it allowed for deep discussions and explorations. It gave me every thing I hoped for as well as insights I hadn’t expected.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

Amy is great holder of space and through our time together I was able to safely explore previous experiences on a much deeper level. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Amy and looking forward to the next part in this journey.

Kathryn Bowen - USA - PRACTITIONER PROGRAM - 2024

Can you share briefly about your background experience and why you chose to become an Inner Child Practitioner?

I have a background in Psychology and Clinical Social Work, and I’m currently working as a Clinical Therapist. In my work as a therapist, especially since working with adults, I realized how many of my clients’ stories included trauma and other difficulties that stemmed from childhood and their upbringing. Psychology and therapy will often focus on attachment styles as one way to address these kinds of issues; however, I noticed that those approaches don’t always help when it comes to the relationships that my clients have with themselves nor processing what happened to them as a child and how it still impacts them as an adult. It’s also something that I’ve struggled with in my own life, and as I started doing my research around Inner Child work, I felt very drawn to this idea of healing my inner child. Once I completed the Inner Child workshop, I realized just how beneficial it could be for those I work with too.

How did the program go for you overall? Sharing any challenges, how you overcame them and what you enjoyed most (OK to share more than one!)

I absolutely loved the program! Overall, the entire program felt like a good pace and enough time to do my own inner child work while also learning how to facilitate and guide others on their journey. As with any kind of healing work, there are often times where you might feel triggered when processing your emotions and experiences, but Amy did a wonderful job of holding a safe space to address and work through those moments. I never felt rushed or pressured, but at the same time, I still felt challenged.

How does the Practitioner’s Program differ from other programs you’ve done in the past that you found helpful and supportive?

I really enjoyed the one-on-one dynamic throughout this program. Every training/program I’ve done has always been in a group setting, which can be beneficial, but at the same time, it’s easy to maybe not put as much effort into learning since you’re surrounded by so many people. I felt like this program was very personal and intimate, and I received the space to reflect on my own experiences and connect them to our discussions.

Can you share about your trainer/mentor and how they facilitated and supported you along your journey?

I really enjoyed working with Amy! She did a wonderful job facilitating the entire program, and just has so much knowledge and first-hand experiences that I was able to learn from both personally and professionally. She created such a safe and supportive space to work through difficult moments and conversations, and I look forward to continuing checking in with her throughout my journey of doing inner child work.

Drawing on your experience, what can you share for those thinking about doing the Practitioner’s Program that would help them decide it’s right for them?

Something that I really appreciated about the entirety of this program was the timing between the workshops, mentoring, and practitioner program. I think it can be easy to get caught up in the idea of adding on another title/certification, at least in my own professional experience, and this program served as a reminder of how important it is to do your own healing work while working with clients and people on their healing journey. By the time I got to the Practitioner’s Program, I felt like I had done a lot of processing around triggers and past situations, and I felt ready to step into the role of a practitioner. I can also see the benefits of taking your time in the workshop and mentoring phases to make sure you’re ready to do so, and know that it’s okay to go at your own pace and focus on yourself before helping others.

Would you recommend the program? And any other wisdom to share for others considering the program?

I would definitely recommend the program! There is still so much that I want to learn when it comes to inner child work, and I felt like this program really helped with setting the foundation.

Amy Young - USA - MENTORING - 2024

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I am a LPC in Georgia and SC, USA. This journey has been the best therapeutic journey of my life. As a therapist for 10+ years and a client in therapy for 15 years, the last 8 months completing the Inner Child workshop and now Mentoring program have been life changing for me. Working with Amy, who I consider brilliant, is kind, compassionate, patient and truly a diamond in leading, guiding, and walking beside me throughout the process.

Can you share a little about your mentoring experience?

After completing the Inner Child workshop, my inner child felt safe, heard, seen, and secure. During the mentoring process, it allowed my Inner Child to grow more secure and gain additional understanding in order to trust my Caring Adult even more and with greater confidence.

How does mentoring differ from the experiences you’ve had with other practices in the past?

The mentoring program is the next level of growth and maturity with my Inner Child.

What message could you give to others who are seeking support in their practices?

I encourage others to complete the journey through the Mentoring Program. It allows you and your Inner Child to continue to develop insight and awareness into how the wounds of childhood affect your adult life today. I tell my clients if your behavior is irrational, illogical, or immature, it is more than likely your Inner Child controlling your life today.

Chantelle Ferguson - USA - PRACTITIONER PROGRAM - 2024

Can you share briefly about your background experience and why you chose to become an Inner Child Practitioner?

I have a background in healthcare, but life experiences led me to emotional healing and inner child work. Through various outlets, modalities, courses and experiences I have been deepening my understanding of emotional healing and integrating the inner work into my life over the last 5 years. Within the last 2 years, I began to connect with my inner child and had the deep realization that it was a very important part of my own healing and journey. This naturally then led me to understand how the connection to and healing of the inner child is such a big part of emotional healing for all of us.

I felt very called to deepen my own inner child work and, through my own experience and understanding of how significant inner child work can be, I also felt the desire to facilitate this growth and healing for others. I knew right away that I wanted to work towards being an Inner Child Practitioner so that I could offer support and guidance to those who are also looking to build a connection with and heal the inner child. I took part in the Inner Child Workshop, the Mentorship Program and then the Inner Child Facilitator course so that I would have the skills, wisdom and understanding of the many facets of inner child work.

How did the program go for you overall? Sharing any challenges, how you overcame them and what you enjoyed most?

I felt the program went very well. I felt I understood many of the elements and considerations of what makes a strong facilitator for this type of work. I enjoyed running my first workshop, as it provided that sense of confidence and it demonstrated to myself that I really had learned so much and internalized a lot of knowledge and wisdom that I can offer and support others with.

The biggest thing that I will continue to improve upon is becoming more familiar with the material so that the workshops continue to flow more smoothly and where I feel less nervousness. As well, I will continue to improve the skill of guiding meditations. I know these skills will continue to develop and improve with practice.

How does the Practitioner’s Program differ from other programs you’ve done in the past that you found helpful and supportive?

I felt the one-on-one guidance was very effective and helpful in my growth and learning. Each individual is so different and having the individualized approach to learning is something not often found in many courses or programs, and that makes this program unique. I also felt the program was set up very effectively, with two intensive sessions to go through the material and skills necessary to acquire as a facilitator, and then the opportunity to apply the knowledge practically by actually running the workshop with a participant. This gave a very practical way to apply and measure the knowledge and skill that had been retained from the course. It also allowed me to receive feedback from both the participant and from my teacher regarding what I had done successfully and what I can still improve upon as I grow and step into the new role of Practitioner.

I also really appreciate that the guidance and support continues after completing the certification. There are two more check-ins the year following the program and the continued accessibility of Amy to reach out to with any questions or support if needed as I create my own offering. It is so valuable to feel that the support is still there for me as I continue the journey.

Can you share about your trainer/mentor and how they facilitated and supported you along your journey?

Amy was so supportive throughout my entire journey working with her. She has offered me so much guidance as I moved through my own inner child work, and also a lot of encouragement and support as I worked towards becoming a facilitator of this work myself. I was able to ask her any questions that arose and she would always respond back with so much consideration and thoroughness. I felt her passion for what she does and she genuinely wanted to be there to support me at every stage of my journey. She is so approachable and insightful, which creates a valuable space with so much room for expansion, growth and deeper understanding.

Drawing on your experience, what can you share for those thinking about doing the Practitioner’s Program that would help them decide it’s right for them?

I would suggest that if you feel a deep understanding of the significance and beauty of inner child work, and how impactful that relationship is in the healing journey, that you consider the Practitioner’s Program. If you are looking to find a way to offer your unique gifts and service to the world, and support others in their healing journey, I feel that the knowledge and the skills learned in this program offers so much value.

Would you recommend the program? And any other wisdom to share for others considering the program?

I would recommend this program to anyone with that deep desire to offer a healing service to others. The emotional and spiritual journey is so complex, deep, and unique to each person but I feel that inner child work is such a significant part of that journey. If you have embodied and experienced this yourself and understand the healing that comes with inner child work, you would have so much to offer others in supporting their journey and the Practitioner program would be a great fit for you.

Martina Vengrinova - SLOVAKIA - WORKSHOP / MENTORING - 2024

Do you have any professional background around therapeutic services?

As an Acupuncturist and Naturopath I provide more physical therapies. however, I understand that mental health and inner balance has a huge impact on physical health and I would like to learn how to more emotionally support my clients.

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I read a lot about inner child and I tried to practice but it is very different when you have a guide.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

Firstly I want to get my body, mind and soul completely in harmony. Secondly I would like to be become an inner child practitioner.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

I started to talk on regular basis to my inner child. I observe myself talk and my environment more; and gradually I felt more self-confidence and self-assurance that I am on the right path.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

It is very soft, non judgemental, non critical… pretty much I think it’s very individual and can understand why it is carried out on a one-to-one basis.

Can you share a little about your mentoring experience?

It has both a practical and theoretical part. In the practical areas there is the interaction with inner child, through meditations and guidance, meetings of ancestors and archetypes who come forward to share unresolved energies; in the theoretical areas there is more academic support based on the different “psychological-philosophical knowledge”.

How does mentoring differ from the experiences you’ve had with other practices in the past?

It’s one-to-one so it’s a much more individual workshop and the flow of energy is just directed to the participant on the workshop.

What message could you give to others who are seeking support in their practices?

It’s really worth getting involved in inner child practice as it can open doors which were locked for years, and open your mind to something totally new. The workshop can bring you clarity to something which was bothering you for years.


Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I did not have much experience with inner child healing. I was introduced on the concept of inner child during one of my therapy session but didn’t understand what it was as it was fairly new. As time went on I found a few social media posts on inner child and parenting and how it impacts us. I googled and did my own research and found Amy and wanted to Jumpstart my journey in healing my inner child and center myself on what she needed from me now.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

My intentions were to be in touch with the little girl inside of me who never had a voice and to help me look within with why I am the way I am as an adult.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

Listening to the inner child come out and realizing to allow her space to do or say the things she always wished she could have but also reminding her she is safe now and its okay to not have to be in survival mode anymore.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

It was very insightful. I’ve learned so much about myself and reflecting on my inner child journey.

Can you share a little about your mentoring experience?

In my mentoring experience I was able to have practice with regression, finding the inner child, finding a safe space, and exploring where and what she needed. I was able to practice this even more as I journaled. Journaling led me to other threads of healing when I realized I needed a compassionate soft father and I was able to be this for the inner child in my session.

How does mentoring differ from the experiences you’ve had with other practices in the past?

Mentoring tied in everything I learned together and made it easier to model into my everyday life and even with helping others reflect and tap into that part of their inner child.

What message could you give to others who are seeking support in their practices?

Amy’s program works and has been a breath of fresh air. I’ve learned so much and Amy has helped me listen to my inner voice and intuitively find threads that needed to be discovered.

David Farrell - USA - WORKSHOP - 2023

Do you have any professional background around therapeutic services?

For most of my professional life I’ve been a career coach. This ranges from writing client documents to directly advising them on job search strategy and career advancement. In recent years, I’ve wanted to expand the counseling aspect to help people identify unhelpful beliefs and other inner road blocks. That led me to explore inner child work.

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

A few weeks prior to this course, I had a session with a self-professed intuitive business coach who incorporated archetypal work into his practice. This was the first time I directly experienced anything related to the inner child.

Until working with Wayne, my ideas about the inner child were fairly simple: That it represented unmet needs during childhood that could be attended to now. This seems to be accurate as far as it goes, but Wayne introduced me to a much deeper and more nuanced understanding of the inner child’s role and why relating to it is important for expansion in all areas of life.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I already knew I was interested in inner child work, so I wanted to discover whether this might be something I could incorporate into my own work with clients. During my time with Wayne, I found it helpful to suspend these expectations and allow whatever would arise to happen without judgment.

Wayne is a solid and compassionate presence who has clearly practiced for many years what he teaches in the workshop. I felt heard and validated throughout the process, which helped me feel more relaxed in the presence of the unknown. His passion toward the subject matter is always apparent and he is very supportive before, during, and after.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

The workshop deepened my understanding of the inner child and how creating a relationship with the inner child helps alleviate the emotional burdens of the past. There are several practical tools, such as the adventure meditations provided on the learning portal.

The overall experience has been one of building a relationship with a part of myself, where it isn’t necessary to worry about following specific practices and “doing everything right” as long as you approach time with the inner child in a spirit of openness. As a recovering perfectionist, it made a big difference to me to learn that you can still “get results” even when you don’t follow the instructions exactly – but there’s a great deal of material on the portal to carry forward into life.

Since the workshop, I’ve made time to “check in” with my inner child at least once a day. I have also spent longer periods with the inner child while meditating. Just as Wayne indicated, this often leads to important realizations – everything from insight about my upbringing to small changes in my plans for the day that make my life more enjoyable. All in all, I feel like I’ve moved toward the person I desire to be.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

I was a little bit concerned about the online format at first, for two reasons. First, it wasn’t clear to me that this kind of material could be taught effectively at a distance. The second was that after skimming the material on the learning portal, I wondered if I already knew too much to benefit.

The amazing thing about the online workshop is the experiential component. No amount of background reading compares to it. Wayne is a knowledgeable, highly conscientious facilitator who guides you gently through these processes even if they are totally unfamiliar to you. He never seems judgmental or anything less than 100% engaged with you, despite the great distance.

Wayne proposed doing the three sessions on Monday, Wednesday, Friday the same week. I balked, not knowing whether it would be too much for me to absorb. He was perfectly willing to adjust the timeline, but in the end, moving forward with full engagement for three days was best. It ensures it is 100% fresh in your mind. Don’t worry about having to strive or struggle to incorporate this new experience: As long as you are coming to it with a willing heart, it will become part of you in a short time.

I don’t want to disclose too many details, because the inner critic will jump in to say “that can’t possibly work.” It is worth experiencing this for yourself and seeing where it takes you. It has only been a few weeks since the workshop and I already feel a greater sense of peace, ease, and ability to move toward what I desire from life with less struggle. I am able to relate with greater compassion toward those in my life I was formerly in conflict with, without perpetuating or enabling further conflict.

It has been my experience that with inner child work with Wayne, you do not “lose” or “sacrifice” anything, but instead gain the ability to take new perspectives about life as YOU choose – which amplifies what makes you “you.” I can’t think of anything more beneficial, particularly at the price, which is a tiny fraction of what others have requested and what I expected.

The quality of the Inner Council’s materials, instruction, and insights are top notch. After more than ten years working with therapists, counselors, and coaches to explore personal well-being from all sorts of different angles, my time with Wayne and the Inner Council stands out among the most valuable experiences I’ve had to date.

Janice Parks - USA - PRACTITIONER PROGRAM - 2023

Can you share briefly about your background experience and why you chose to become an Inner Child Practitioner?

I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Private Practice. During my years of practice, I have noticed that childhood events or traumas often are the origin of current adult crisis. So being trained as an Inner Child practitioner is very beneficial to the healing of clients.

How did the program go for you overall? Sharing any challenges, how you overcame them and what you enjoyed most?

This program is so insightful and educational for anyone who wants to grow mentally and emotionally. This program supported me to learn the 3 parts of a child: the inner child, the adult, and the parent. How each one plays a pivotal role in the connection of being one with self.

How does the Practitioner’s Program differ from other programs you’ve done in the past that you found helpful and supportive?

This program differed in that it was a deeper and more insightful study of oneself. My skills as a clinical therapist were truly enhanced.

Can you share about your trainer/mentor and how they facilitated and supported you along your journey?

My trainer Amy Gist was superb and skilled at pulling out feelings and behaviors through active listening without blaming but simply naming the behaviors and what they mean to your current interactions or relationships.

Drawing on your experience, what can you share for those thinking about doing the Practitioner’s Program that would help them decide it’s right for them?

To be an effective practitioner begins with inner child, the origin or root of any issue. Meaning it usually begins with the client. Supporting them in becoming one and developing their inner power is most rewarding about this inner child program.

Would you recommend the program? And any other wisdom to share for others considering the program?

I would recommend all practitioners to take this program. I believe it’s the foundation for all therapies. It lays the foundation for healing and wholeness to loving oneself, then you will handle life’s challenges with a greater depth of understanding.

Theresa Guenard - USA - WORKSHOP - 2023

Do you have any professional background around therapeutic services?

I am an Occupational Therapist and Massage Therapist.

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I had done some minimal inner child work 20yrs ago and understood the basic concept.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I was experiencing exaggerated reactions to certain triggers and realized they were connected to my childhood and family of origin. I signed up for the workshop hoping to receive clarity and healing around the source of the reactions that were connected with my inner child.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

The workshop assisted tremendously with clarity, healing, and providing ongoing tools to continue to the work.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

Wayne is an extremely knowledgeable, insightful, and supportive therapist with this work. I have felt and seen a real shift in my reactions and triggers after doing this work. I’m really blown away about how much this work has shifted my perspective, self-awareness, and my emotional wellbeing. I honestly was only expecting clarity around the source of my triggers in intimate relationships, however, received so much more. I have participated in a good healthy amount of cognitive therapy, but, have never connected this deeply with the source driving my fears and anxieties. This will be an ongoing process of healing and connecting with my inner child, which I’m so grateful to now have the tools and understanding to continue.

Amy Young - USA - WORKSHOP - 2023

Do you have any professional background around therapeutic services?

I am a LPC (licensed professional counselor) in South Carolina and Georgia, USA.

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

During my own therapeutic journey, my therapist introduced me to inner child therapy. With this knowledge, I have used some guided meditation in my own private practice. I have also been a part of a faith community that touches on inner child work; focusing on unmet emotional needs. Going through the workshop has been amazing, although emotionally draining at times. It has brought to light more of my own inner child wounds as well as educated me on how to be more diligent in my own practice with clients.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

My professional goal, which have been motivated by this workshop, is to proceed through the mentoring program and beyond. I want to be able to provide this therapy to my own clients as well as to a larger audience down the road. Personally, I want to continue to connect with my inner child in order to continue my healing journey.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

The workshop gave my many new tools to work with clients to include guided meditations, specific language to use, and a road map for success.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

Working with Amy was an amazing experience for me in my own journey as well knowledge and tools to use during client sessions.

Kathryn Bowen - USA - WORKSHOP - 2023

Do you have any professional background around therapeutic services?

Yes, I have a Masters degree in social work and am currently practicing individual therapy in a private practice setting and working towards licensure.

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I didn’t have any kind of in-depth knowledge about inner child before the course. I’ve heard the term before and knew the general idea behind it, but I wouldn’t have been able to fully explain it to anyone and wouldn’t have tried to practice it with clients in any way.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

Though I didn’t have any extensive knowledge, I noticed that childhood concerns were coming up more and more with my adult clients in sessions. I started realizing how many of their current issues were related to things that did or didn’t happen during childhood, so my overall goal from taking part in the workshop was to learn more about inner child work in general and also understand my own inner child so that I can eventually help my own clients.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

One, it validated how important this work is and provided an alternative perspective when it comes to the healing process. Two, I’ve been able to bring up concepts like our 8 inner child needs and the idea of self re-parenting in order to help my clients process what they did and didn’t receive growing up and how they can participate in their own healing process, even if they never receive any kind of apology or taking accountability from parents, etc.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

It was great! I really liked the pacing of the workshop and felt like 2 hours was just enough to learn, discuss, and implement the concepts. The platform that held all of the material is also really user friendly.

Ali McMahon - USA - WORKSHOP - 2023

Do you have any professional background around therapeutic services?

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and work in private practice.

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

Prior to this workshop, I did some inner child work in my own therapy. It was not as developed and incremental as this workshop.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I wanted to learn more about the stages of inner child work as well as be able to use inner child techniques with my own clients from a formally educated place.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

The meditations were incredibly helpful. Learning about the difference between the Adult and the Parent was very helpful when conceptualizing clients inner child work was very helpful.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

Although many of the concepts were ones I work with already, it was very helpful to learn the ways to develop the inner parents as well as learn when to use regression meditations.

Jocelyn Davco - USA - WORKSHOP - 2023

Do you have any professional background around therapeutic services?

I am a licensed professional counselor in the state of Pennsylvania in the US.

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

Before doing this workshop, I had understood “inner child” work though a more theoretical lens, having seen great value in this approach to healing unresolved internal conflicts. I work from a psychodynamic/object relations modality of psychotherapy, so inner child work compliments this theory nicely and provides some very practical techniques to identifying and healing wounding.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I hoped to continue my own deep healing work by building a relationship with my inner child, identifying remaining areas of reactivity and wounding, restoring lost aspects of myself. I wanted to have a solid framework and techniques to use with clients and hopefully offer the inner child workshop to others in the future after having completed mentorship and training.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

The workshop provided rich practical educational materials, meditations and guidance on imagery that I am very excited to carry on using myself, as well as integrate into my psychotherapeutic work.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

Overall, I was wonderfully impressed with how meaningful the online experience felt, as I much prefer working in person and sometimes struggle to feel connected virtually. Amy was tangibly present, incredibly patient and aware when guiding me through mediations and allowing me to process wounding. I have recommended it to several friends and am sad it has ended! I continue using the skills I’ve learned personally, and am finding great value in doing this work.

Ayelet Rimler - USA - WORKSHOP / MENTORING - 2023

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I had heard about the concept of inner child work. I tapped into the concept once or twice. But I never knew what it was really all about and how deep and fundamental it is.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

My intention was and is to heal my inner child.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

It has given me my inner child. It has helped me separate who is the child and who is the parent – who is driving and who is buckled in the back seat…In other words what and where my triggers are coming from and how to calm my nervous system to move through and heal them. Through breath work, joining her in her garden, noticing her and loving her.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

My experience has been profound! Through the workshop and mentoring I have come to finally know what it feels like to have compassion, and understanding of my inner self. Venturing through my heart space garden via meditation and deep breathing has helped me heal many parts of my past that were in so much pain. I see them and now love them.

How does mentoring differ from the experiences you’ve had with other practices in the past?

First of all my mentor Amy is INCREDIBLE! She is patient calm understanding and so very gentle. Her words touch my soul! She knows just what to say! She is flexible to help me in my individual needs. And she uses different techniques to help me get to a real true healing with my inner child.

What message could you give to others who are seeking support in their practices?

Be patient and honest. Trust the process, it’s hard, but the softness of loving and parenting your inner child will heal all!

Annie Morgan - AUSTRALIA - MENTORING - 2023

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I am a holistic counselor and have been always interested in Inner Child work. I had done some Inner child work in the past, but not to the inner depth of this course. I had never been able to connect to my Inner Child properly until I embarked on this course and the journey that unfolded was profound.

Can you share a little about your mentoring experience?

I can not say enough about Amy who was my mentor. She was supportive and guided me during this journey. Amy has a wealth of knowledge and she is always calm and approachable, which was so helpful, when I was going through some major shifts in my life. The mentoring program help me have a deeper understanding of myself and a better connection with my Inner Child.

How does mentoring differ from the experiences you’ve had with other practices in the past?

I felt supportive without judgement or being criticized which was important to me.

What message could you give to others who are seeking support in their practices?

I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants not only a better connection with their inner child, but relationships with people in their lives. The shifts you make are profound and life changing.

Stacie Barber - USA - INNER CHILD WORKSHOP - 2023

Do you have any professional background around therapeutic services?

Yes, I am a certified and licensed Occupational Therapist with experience in mental health wellness and healing. I am a certified Life + Wellness Coach, with skills in vein of N.L.P., Hypnosis, E.F.T., Time Techniques and Human Design. I am a certified Pilates + Gyrotonic Instructor and currently own The Mindful Body Pilates Studio in Charleston, S.C.

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

My father struggled with alcoholism my entire life, so many of my childhood memories were tarnished with pain, confusion and dysfunction. I was very resistant to inner child work for quite some time due to the potential of re-living very painful life experiences. However, throughout my process of personal healing and growth, it became very present that healing and connecting with the inner child within was imperative to my overall well-being and health.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

Re-connecting with my inner child, uncovering parts of my childhood that felt heavy and uncomfortable and learning skills for my own personal healing (as well as ones that I can help others with in the future).

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

It was so great! Amy was just a comforting and grounded guide that led me through each step of the process. It allowed me to take a different lens to the state of my inner child and I learned powerful techniques and tools to reparent myself and view my relationship with myself in a totally different and more empowering light!

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

It was fantastic! I looked forward to each meeting and gained such incredible insight into ways in which I can continue a long lasting, healthy and nurturing relationship with my inner little girl!

Michelle Cook - USA - INNER CHILD WORKSHOP - 2022

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I did a little reading about inner child work and was referred to it by a therapist, but I wasn’t quite sure what it was. But it turned out to be what I’ve been looking for for years after so many failed attempts to resolve some horrible issues related to my childhood.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I had several, but chief among them was to really know who I am. Growing up the way I did, I had to bury myself and transform myself to become whatever I needed to be to avoid as much crap that was being thrown my way as possible. I had no safety when I was growing up, and I have so many walls up that I have no idea who I am anymore, and I’m way too old to have that issue. I know that the person I’m supposed to be is in here, I just have to find her.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

It was amazing! When I rediscovered my inner child, she was barely there, so used to hiding in the shadows and ducking gunfire. But with the tools I’ve learned, I know how I can build a relationship with her, get to know her, and protect her instead of neglect her. I can finally finish developing in the ways that I’ve been so stunted for most of my life. I feel like I have a real chance to become the person I’m supposed to be and that these tools will help me find myself again. I never had any hope for that until now.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

It was great! Amy was my guide, and I connected with her immediately when we met for that first conversation. I don’t know if I could’ve had as much success without that connection. Amy listened intently to me any time I had a question or wanted to explain why I have some of the issues that I’m trying to resolve. Her patience is immeasurable and her compassion and optimism is vital to this kind of work. She did a beautiful job of moving me through the meditations, which were incredible, and going through them allows me to get started on some of the work that I need to do. After this last workshop, I cant’ wait to do the heart space meditations and the regression meditations so I can finally move forward with some of this work.

Hodaya Abarbanel - USA - INNER CHILD WORKSHOP / MENTORING - 2022

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

It was in my 20s when I first came across the inner child with a book that gave short exercises and practices. I tried a few and from then on always carried a photograph of my inner child around with me. I knew there was a whole world waiting to open up around the inner child and I knew that one day it would come up, in the right timing and moment that was now.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I have previously been through extensive and intensive EMDR treatments that left me extremely vulnerable. I needed something more to support and guide me to reconnect to the foundational parts of myself; to rebuild my inner world. My intention for the workshop was to find tools and a framework to integrate the intensive process I had been through and continue supporting me in my recovery and healing.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

I learned so much! I found the self soothing techniques and meditations very useful. I now understand what self love is, healing the wounded parts of my heart and filling myself back up with unconditional love. Learning my basic needs was invaluable; now I am able to express emotions healthily and after severe childhood trauma, understand what it is to feel love and compassion, especially for myself, and actually live it, feeling it! A revelation moving from mind to a heart centred way of perceiving the world.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

The online workshop was a great experience. I am very comfortable with learning and experiencing the wonderful practices that were shared, without a doubt, very powerful. As a practitioner, Amy is very gentle, soft, and patient. I felt very comfortable from the onset, finding it easier to talk about difficult and challenging things from my past. Amy creates and maintains a safe space of non-judgement, which was very supportive and I saw how much it helped my inner child too. Smart, understanding and kind, Amy creates safety for people like me with deep trauma to feel comfortable and be vulnerable at their own pace and depths. The framework is very gentle and applicable to daily life. I took away tools and techniques to heal my heart so I don’t suffer with painful wounds anymore. I feel like everything I lacked previously, has now been given to me in a tangible way. I am so grateful and would definitely recommend this work to everyone!

Can you share a little about your mentoring experience?

The mentoring experience has enabled me to put into practice the knowledge and practices I learned in the workshop. Like a process of maturation, it takes time and now knowing how to parent myself and actually doing it, is such a gift and revelation to my life. It’s been truly transformational and I’m enjoying the journey! Being able to give myself what felt like the missing pieces of the puzzle; taking care of my inner child and inner adult through learning to re-parent has led me to a more joyful, calmer place. I feel peace within me that I’ve never had before. Those close to me can see how much happier I am. Life at home is better, with my family and kids, relationships too. I am functioning better, learning my limits with my responsibilities and more in tune with what’s good for me and upholding my integrity.

How does mentoring differ from the experiences you’ve had with other practices in the past?

Primarily, mentoring has given me tools to understand myself on a much deeper level; how to react appropriately, navigate my life safely, find the answers inside me, be independent and make my own decisions. My confidence is increasing and I’m more comfortable in my own skin. I learned how to soothe myself and break the cycle of codependency. I have the tools and inner authority to understand my inner world better which supports me to face everyday situations and decisions healthily. I can step aside from my stories and see what’s underneath, what’s really going on. I’ve become much more self aware, self observant and this is developing a maturity that I’ve not been able to find in other practices. This truly works for me.

What message could you give to others who are seeking support in their practices?

I would encourage people who want to be happy, healthy and discover their true selves to seek out this supportive practice. I would even say to uncover a better version of what’s possible for their lives. I believe it is the number one healing modality for the world! Appropriate for everyone, it’s the necessary foundation and key for healing past wounds to open and live a brighter future. My hope and future for humanity is anchored in this vision.

Sam Crowley - USA - INNER CHILD WORKSHOP - 2022

Do you have any professional background around therapeutic services?

Yes – I am a clinical social worker in the United States. I have been working in the field for the last seven years. I was also trained psychodynamically.

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I had some awareness of the inner child through my studies and personal interest/experiences. The workshop was very helpful in introducing me to new ways to understand and connect with the inner child.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I think my main intention/goal was to better understand and connect with my inner child to begin working through/releasing what has felt like emotional blockages.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

The meditations and activities were very helpful, and I feel that I am better able to check in with my inner child throughout each day.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

I think it is great, I like that it is accessible to me even though I am not in the same country.

Dikshita Mahadik - QATAR - INNER CHILD WORKSHOP - 2022

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I had a brief understanding of inner child work and had read a few articles. I felt very much drawn to it and I knew I have to heal my inner child before I get into motherhood. I did not have any specific trauma or a difficult childhood but there are very strange things that can affect you as a child and it is very important to give your inner child that love and attention.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I have been working on myself to understand myself better, in the journey I realized I know I am hurting or I am being anxious/restless and what is triggering me but I did not know what to do with it or how to channel that energy. My main intention was to learn that practical aspect of finding my Inner child in midst of the chaos and then work with her to give her what she needs.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

This workshop and my guide Wayne have helped me in looking at life with a different lens, to be in connection with the source. The workshop has given me the tools to easily connect with my inner child and be aware of it.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

It was a wonderful experience of going on a journey with the self, Wayne will not give you answers or what you want a ready-made plan. He makes you go on this journey by yourself and it is the most powerful thing even if it feels difficult at the start.


Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I have done inner child work prior to doing this workshop, I have always felt inner child work important to heal my inner wounds and behavioural patterns. By going within I can connect with my inner child and support her to regain her own power.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

My intention is to connect on a more personal level with my inner child and have a better relationship with her. My goal is to connect with her daily and honour her.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

I am now able to connect on a deeper level and the workshop helped me put things into have a better understanding and confirmation I was already into my journey with my inner child.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

I really enjoyed it, Amy was so knowledgeable and had such empathy. Vert patient warm and I felt a sense of trust right from the beginning which I feel is important when sharing past experiences. The meditations were so powerful and I got a lot from them.

Nikola Endrstova - UK - INNER CHILD WORKSHOP - 2021 / MENTORING

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I was not familiar with inner child work before the course, and neither what impact my neglected inner child could have on me during adulthood. I went through several therapies in a desperate hope to be EDs (eating disorders) free. I created those as coping mechanisms throughout the years and my childhood. Therapy seemed to “help” for a short period of time, but in the long run, I knew that none of them went deep enough into the traumas from my childhood, where it actually all begun. Eventually, I kept hearing the term “Inner child”, yet I didn’t pay much attention to it at first because I didn’t want to keep returning back to my traumatic past. Until a few friends/ guardians of mine suggested that discovering and acknowledging the Inner child is the path I should take. I didn’t hesitate for long when one of them had recommended Amy.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

My intentions and goals were to understand my childhood and why things were happening to me the way they did, to accept myself and rediscover self-love, to be able to work with my emotions, and fully recover from binge eating disorder and bulimia.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

I believe that the Rebirth meditation has had a stronger impact on me than expected. I suddenly felt free from my past, and that, without any guilt, that it is me and nobody else who is in charge of my own life. Connecting with my inner child during the workshop has helped me understand, what she has been needing. Also, how not receiving that has been affecting me ever since. Also, the connection with her helps me remember and encourages me to find the girl I used to be; curious, brave, creative, cheerful, and how strong I can actually be, and that the person hasn’t gone as I used to think. The person is still part of me. After years of suppressing my emotion, I am finally learning to let those out and experience them fully. I am learning to let people know how I feel in the present moment. I am learning to set and mainly maintain my/our boundaries to ensure my inner child and I are safe, loved, confident and nurtured as much as we deserve/need to be.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

I think the workshop was fantastic, especially the first session. Understanding my values, and how important the inner child is, has helped me to overcome bulimia. After the rebirth meditation, I finally felt that I am permitted to be myself and that I had to stop ignoring my inner child and the connection to her. Suddenly, I did not need to make myself sick ever again. However, I would describe the workshop as ‘A door’ or perhaps ‘A window’, but the real work starts within ourselves. I usually struggle with this part, and that’s why I agreed to mentoring as well.

Can you share a little about your mentoring experience?

The mentoring helps me acknowledge my inner child in everyday situations, and Amy’s approach is so grounding throughout those situations, which is exactly what I need. The workshop focuses on the inner child, but the mentoring also helps with the parenting side, which is also important. I think the main difference between the workshop and the mentoring experience is that workshop is about acknowledging the inner child within ourselves, and mentoring is the support whilst we work and connect with the inner child.

How does mentoring differ from the experiences you’ve had with other practices in the past?

I feel like I am being heard and guided throughout my shadows. I am being encouraged to witness my past and understand what my inner child needed in those traumatic situations. It’s the first time I feel I can understand myself and focus on our (me and my inner child) needs, yet not feeling guilty anymore.

What message could you give to others who are seeking support in their practices?

I think it is important to start from the beginning. It’s like a tree; we see the trunk and the crown, but we don’t often realise that it is the roots that need to be nurtured first, so the trunk and the crown can grow healthy.

Trisha Keatings - CANADA - INNER CHILD WORKSHOP - 2021

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I had no experience doing inner child work before this course. The reason I sought this out was because I had previously been connecting my core wounds to experiences in my adolescence. At some point I started to make connections to my childhood and I thought “alright, it’s time to do this work then.”

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I think just to start making the connections between my wounds and coping mechanisms and my childhood. To stop looking at my childhood as all rainbows and unicorns and start seeing what might have happened that’s shaped some of my shadow today.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

Where do I start? I had NO IDEA how deeply some parts of my childhood, specifically while in the womb and as a toddler, affected my programming. I learned so much about where my behaviour comes from. I also learned so much about my mum and my dad and my childhood that I had no idea about. I can see the differences in my brother and I now. I understand myself better. I understand how to soothe myself better.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

We did our work in person and I really appreciate that. You create such a safe and comforting space to do the work. As much as there’s learning, there’s working through thoughts and concepts and you provide the space to do that with clarity and support. It was a beautiful experience.

Elizabeth Baker - UK - INNER CHILD WORKSHOP - 2021

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I had understood the term inner child in the sense that we can all go into our child state of playfullness if we want to, but not aware of going into meditation and connecting on such a deep level. This is truly awesome.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

The course exceeded any expectations that I had. I loved the meditations and being able to connect to my inner child now is such a joy.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

I felt guided to reparent my inner child, almost like I’m being prepared for something else.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

I loved taking part in the online workshop. Amy is such a joy to work with. My inner child felt very safe during workshops.


Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I had one Inner Child regression session with a yoga teacher who then referred me to Amy. Prior to that first session I had never heard of Inner Child Work but always knew there were wounds that needed healing.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

My goal was to connect with my inner child and learn how to heal some of those above mentioned wounds.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

The workshop gave me an abundance of tools to connect with my inner child and to work through healing of childhood wounds! The practice continues every day for me to put them to work.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

The Inner Child online workshop was incredible! I felt held in a safe space virtually by Amy and sharing felt easy with her. She helped me to learn all about the Inner Child and guide me through some connections. I am so grateful for this workshop as connecting with my Inner Child has brought me to a place where fun is a priority! It has also brought me to a place where I feel more in control because I have the learned the “why” of many of my behaviours. Life has been much more enjoyable since completing this workshop. 🙂

Emily Snider - USA - INNER CHILD WORKSHOP - 2021

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

Besides doing some guided meditations for inner child work, I had very little exposure to inner child practice prior to the course. Given how much of our beliefs and perception gets formed at a young age, I sensed it was important work to undertake.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I wanted to help my body overcome some health challenges by releasing any stress associated with unmet needs of the inner child.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

The workshop helped raise my awareness of the presence of the inner child–that any time is a good time to check in and send tenderness and love.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

Amy is an incredibly present and compassionate facilitator. She was really thorough in presenting the material and helped me more deeply understand the different stages of inner child development. The guided inner work of each session was very powerful.


Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I have not heard about Inner child workshops before. I know that I need to heal from previous failed relationship experience. I know that I need self love but not quite understand which practices that could help.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

My goal is to understand and accept myself as I am. Also, to understand my anxiety and how I can better manage it.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

The workshops provide me with several practices that helped me to connect with my inner child in a deeper way. Also, I have become more aware of my emotions and that was a great thing that helps get more compassionate with my inner child. I want to continue working on my inner child and I feel so excited for the life I am creating now.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

My experience is great. I schedule a time whenever I feel like it. Every session I do practice and get a deep connection with myself. I never felt any judgment or shame. It is a very safe and trusting environment and I am very grateful for this opportunity.


Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

My first glimpse of true healing of my childhood wounding started about 5 years ago when I found “Inner Relationship Focusing”, a modality that brings awareness to one’s own body, developed by Ann Weiser-Cornell based on Eugene Gendlin’s’ work on whole-body awareness called “Focusing”. The next big step for me occurred only a few months ago when I discovered Margaret Paul’s and Charles Whitfield’s work on “healing the child within” and “inner bonding”. Over several decades I did psychotherapy, mostly talk therapy. It helped a little bit but usually only for a short time, never bringing real and lasting relief and healing. Connecting to my inner child is without a doubt the doorway to the kind of profound healing that I was searching for.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

My intention and goal are to live life with this newfound loving connection to my inner child. In that sense, the goal and the daily lived life are one and the same.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

This was my first healing the inner child workshop and it made me understand, with even more clarity, how meaningful this approach is for me. I’m very inspired to communicate with my inner child on a daily basis, verbally or through writing, really implementing the tools/techniques that this workshop has provided me with. It made me realize that this is a commitment! It requires effort and perseverance as well as patience and kindness towards my inner child.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

I experienced the course as being powerful despite the fact of not meeting in person. Amy transformed our virtual meeting room into a safe, spacious, and amazingly warm space that enabled me to go deeper into my inner process. I was positively surprised by that. I think it would be very beneficial to have a moment of sitting quietly with oneself at the beginning or sometime during the class. Sensing inward, consciously connecting with the body. We live so much in our heads in these modern times and this moment of connecting with the body could help with experiencing sensations and feelings more directly.

How do feel the dynamic of a group contributed to your experience of the workshop?

I find the presence of other participants enriching. It creates a sense of “shared meaning” that is very helpful for me. Also, sharing my inner experience with other people makes it somehow more “real” gives it more gravity and therefore expedites the healing process. I would most definitely welcome an ongoing support group. That would be wonderful.


Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I did the 3 sessions of inner child workshop. I had prior experience with psychotherapy. I am under the impression that inner child can be very difficult to process, and to find a method that both suits me and is effective.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I wanted to heal from past pains and be a better human, to live a life truer to myself and on my own terms. I wanted to be conscious, to be self-aware and to live life intentionally.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

I think the writing practices are very useful. Some of the visualization work really opened the door for me to release some pent up emotions. I think it’s allowed me to access my emotions a little more readily and to know that they are okay. It’s safe to do so and my adult self can guide and allow that.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

I enjoyed the regression and mediation sessions because I cried every time and get to know myself a little bit more. I didn’t expect it to be so effective because I couldn’t get much resources online. I like having a person to talk about life as well. I didn’t feel judged and is thankful about the patience within the practice.

David Reichard - GERMANY - INNER CHILD WORKSHOP - 2020

Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

I have worked with a lot of different modalities and have tried different forms of therapy in the past. Some of that implemented some form of visualization and inner child work (although I had never taken a workshop or therapy that was specifically geared towards inner child only). Also, at the last medicine retreat I attended, I really felt that I had gotten in touch with my inner child through the medicine and since then have wanted to explore the work a little more deeply.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I think it was to feel more of my heart and instincts. It’s easy for me to overthink things and wanted to get more in touch with my gut and my heart.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

I think the writing practices are very useful. Some of the visualization work really opened the door for me to release some pent up emotions. I think it’s allowed me to access my emotions a little more readily and to know that they are okay. It’s safe to do so and my adult self can guide and allow that.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

I didn’t expect to unleash any emotions from the past. Also, I enjoyed the visualization work. Of course, it would be ideal to do these kinds of things in person but the online experience proved to be a lot more intimate and open than I expected. There’s lots of tools that I can continue to use in the future. Even in the downtime away from the workshop, the process continues to unfold.

How do feel the dynamic of a group contributed to your experience of the workshop?

It was nice to feel the connection and participation even though we were communicating via internet. I felt perfectly safe to open and share with the others.

Marina Millan - LONDON - INNER CHILD WORKSHOP - 2020

Over the past year my therapist had been gently introducing me to the idea of being kinder to myself and to think of a tiny vulnerable part of me that could hear me being self-criticising and unkind and suffering from it. It was never a “named” method and I never thought much about it, but now looking back I could see that it was somehow “planting the seeds”.

Then, earlier this year, when I came across the description of this workshop it truly resonated with me – it felt so right, and I was very excited to begin. I went into the workshop with an open mind and an open heart and one of the intentions that I set for myself was to trust the process (because it had come to me at the right time). And how right I was!

The workshop has provided me with an invaluable set of tools and techniques that help me to connect with my inner child, to return to being at one with my intuition, to hear and feel my heart louder and more clearly with every day that passes! It is a beautiful and powerful practice and I could not imagine doing it with anyone else but with Amy! She is an incredibly warm and welcoming person and we connected straight away.

During the workshop, Amy was able to readily offer me options and alternatives if something didn’t quite sit right with me straight away and that was very beneficial to me. The format and the content of the workshop flowed so naturally, and each session absolutely flew by.

If your heart has led you to the workshop, listen to it!


Can you share briefly a bit about your background experience or perceptions with inner child and anything about your journey and inner child practice before doing the course?

Before doing the workshop I had read a couple books and found some information online that gave me a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts and objectives of inner child work. I understood that there are sub personalities within myself that have their own emotional needs and expectations. The inner child being one of them can be further broken down into different aspects such as the wounded, emotional, angry child. There are also parts of ourselves that get stuck in their development due to emotional trauma. This information gave me a basic framework for exploring and beginning to communicate with these parts of myself. Most of the work I did was emotional release and understanding their needs and wounds.

Can you share any intentions and goals you had from taking part in the workshop?

I came to this workshop because I felt I was missing something in my process as there was so much releasing but little resolution.

How did the workshop serve in providing you with new tools and techniques to carry on your practice?

The workshop definitely helped a great deal as it gave me more tools to effectively communicate to my inner child as well understand how I can more deeply interact with him and fulfill his emotional needs, which lead to major resolutions for these conflicted parts of myself and a greater sense of peace and calm that came as a direct result. I’m finding myself being less triggered in previously challenging situations. When triggers do cause an emotional response I’m finding it much easier to recognize the part of me that’s challenged and just be with it allowing it to be heard and felt which then dissipates the charge.

Can you share a little bit about your overall experience of the online workshop?

The experience was great for me. Amy has a calm and gentleness that radiates clearly and an understanding that shows she’s walking the path herself. I enjoyed our meetings so much and after the first, I was very much looking forward to the next ones. There was much insight, release, resolution, and growth within the sessions. There’s also been much after from continuing with the techniques. It definitely gave me a major missing piece to the puzzle that allowed me to take my own practice further.