The practitioner program is carried out over two one-to-one sessions (approx. 4 hours), however, the program is a smaller part of your ongoing commitment to Inner Child work and the clear practical demonstration of your own experiences throughout your personal journey that are shared with your practitioner.
Like with all holistic healing practices, there are no strict timelines with becoming a practitioner; the natural path can take anywhere between 3-6 months (following completion of the Inner Child workshop) for the connection to be nurtured and developed with your inner child and to feel what the mentorship program feels like as a participant. However, this will also depend on personal commitments, circumstances and integrating the practice into your life.
Part of your journey will be to trust; in yourself, intuition and your inner child to what is coming up and how comfortable and confident you are in sharing this practice, firstly with yourself and with others. Once a few instances of natural processing have occurred, an alignment will become apparent that you are ready to share with others, using your experience and intuition as your guide.
When the moment arrives, you will know!
The Inner Council provides psychoanalytical training tools that allow participants to self-author their own healing development within a personal trust framework. Efficacy is based upon serious commitment towards the practices. Certification by the Inner Council is presented following recognition and articulation of authentic connections to these practices.
This certificate application is for all participants who have satisfied the requirements of The Inner Council: Inner Child Practitioners program with a recognised Inner Council practitioner. Upon completion of the program your practitioner will inform us of your entry and you are then free to register for the certification, allowing you to present the Inner Child workshop to those who come to you for your services. If you have any questions, please discuss them with your practitioner.
This certification also comes with the documents for delivering the workshop and understanding deeper about the aspects of developmental and depth psychology and a reading list that can help you to choose material that contributes towards your current skills and the ongoing requirements of providing support to others. The certificate includes the Inner Council – Declaration of Demonstration for Practitioner Certification.
Our declaration of demonstration is provided on the reverse of the Inner Child practitioner certificate stating the experiential aspects that have been recognised by the practitioner through active demonstration during mentorship.