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Please contact us below to arrange a call with one of our practitioners to discuss and arrange the workshop.


Over the past year my therapist had been gently introducing me to the idea of being kinder to myself and to think of a tiny vulnerable part of me that could hear me being self-criticising and unkind and suffering from it. It was never a “named” method and I never thought much about it, but now looking back I could see that it was somehow “planting the seeds”.

Then, earlier this year, when I came across the description of this workshop it truly resonated with me – it felt so right, and I was very excited to begin. I went into the workshop with an open mind and an open heart and one of the intentions that I set for myself was to trust the process (because it had come to me at the right time). And how right I was!

Marina – London – Inner Child Workshop

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An inner child course with the inner council is a one-to-one workshop where theory and practical skills are shared in order for the participant to understand how an intuitive, experiential relationship with your inner child can help you uncover and understand how childhood developmental programing is involved with your day to day experience. We recommend to read through the reviews and the workshop page in order to get an idea of what to expect before you apply for the workshop. When you apply for the workshop we will arrange an initial call to make sure that the course is appropriate for you at the present time. This involves a couple of personal questions and allows you to ask any questions that are coming up for you that you feel are appropriate for accessing the work.

When I rediscovered my inner child, she was barely there, so used to hiding in the shadows and ducking gunfire. But with the tools I’ve learned, I know how I can build a relationship with her, get to know her, and protect her instead of neglect her. I can finally finish developing in the ways that I’ve been so stunted for most of my life. I feel like I have a real chance to become the person I’m supposed to be and that these tools will help me find myself again. I never had any hope for that until now. It was amazing! Michelle Cook, United States

My experience has been profound! Through the workshop and mentoring I have come to finally know what it feels like to have compassion, and understanding of my inner self. Venturing through my heart space garden via meditation and deep breathing has helped me heal many parts of my past that were in so much pain. I see them and now love them. – Ayelet Rimler, United States

MI learned so much! I found the self soothing techniques and meditations very useful. I now understand what self love is, healing the wounded parts of my heart and filling myself back up with unconditional love. Learning my basic needs was invaluable; now I am able to express emotions healthily and after severe childhood trauma, understand what it is to feel love and compassion, especially for myself, and actually live it, feeling it! A revelation moving from mind to a heart centred way of perceiving the world. – Hodaya Abarbanel, United States